Port Text Alert

Port Community Text Alert is a community service to the town of Portarlington & surrounding areas.

Members of the Love Port office or a member of the text alert group will gladly explain all details of this service to you upon request. It is desirable to gather your email address for these alerts so full details can be provided to you . You can also specify the latest time you wish to receive alerts. You can subscribe to the Text Alert Group by completing our form and returning to the Love Port office, Portarlington Community Centre, Link road, Portarlington.

The form is available to download here: Port Text Alert Registration Form 13.09.17

Call the Love Port Office for information on our representative in your area.

Love Port details 085 8568801

Email PortTextAlert@gmail.com

There will be an annual subscription to the Text Alert Service of €10 to help with the running of the service